Peter Grootings


Mrs Grootings:
I am sorry to hear of your loss.
If there is any other way I can assist you, please let me know.
Best wishes,
Evelyn Mayfield
Customer Relations

Łączymy się w smutku. Będzie nam Go brakowało.
Maria, Jerzy

Dear Joanna I am deeply sorry to hear it.
We liked him and he helped a lot in developing education in my country.
Accept, please, my deepest sympathy.
Slavko Gaber

Cannot believe this tragic loss! I am thanking you dear. Joanna for thinking at me and sharing your mourning. Please accept my sincere condolences, adressed to you and your family. I lost one of the few brilliant persons. I know and my regrets will continue each of my days in Etf without. Peter, because. E. T. F without. Peter lost its intellectual brightness. I am not able to find my words now but. I am sure. Peter's angel will protect you and your family. God bless. Peter, may him rest in peace! I would very much appreciate having the chance together with some colleagues to say goodbye to him. I do not want to abuse of your feelings this is why. I am following your advice if to come and when.
God bless you, madlen

Dear Joanna,
My sincere condolences for the loss of Peter.
Hans Vader

I'm terribly sorry madam. I consider your husband like the last gentleman left in the world. I knew him two years agoand he was hit by my drammatic story, but i am a funny woman so, sometimes, very few times i met him ifor going to visit museums o to have a walk. I told him about all my stories amd very complicated love affair, an he felt alone, so he liked to listen to my funny tales. he told me about his family, and he was grateful to Good to be so lucky. He wanted to learn better italian so he wanted me to write to him sometimes not only in English but in Italian, also when he discovered to have a cancer...I'm so sorry Madame, I don't knon what to say. I'll pray for him. Many thanks Madam,
Doriana Maggi

Dear Joanna
We are tremendously shocked and saddened by your news.
When you sent Peter's message a few weeks ago it sounded optimistic so we hoped for the best.
Our thoughts are with you.
Of course it's a remote prospect but if we can help in anyway please let us know.
All our love
Bryn & Phil

Hallo Johanna, mein Herzliches Beileid.
Ich fühle und trauere mit Dir.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Manfred Schneider
BBJ Consult AG, Herzbergstr. 83, 10365 Berlin

Dear Joanna,
I am writing to you from Cairo, where the memories from Peter and you are always very vivid. I learnt last thursday that Peter's state was critical and in these days I have thinking very strongly of him and you. It was my way to accompany you through this passage. I know that Peter is always with us and will also be. His work and his way of doing things will never be forgotten in so many places, and Egypt is just one of them. So these little"stars" will hopefully always keep him with us in our minds and in the work we do every day.
Everyone here sends their deepest condolences and many have asked me for your email address, to try to be with you now. So you are not alone, we are with you, even in the distance.
A very big kiss,

I am glad to know that we were all sharing the same that I am here at the Marriott (very much modernised and rooms redecorated) I have the feeling as if the two of you would be here. It is strange, I feel Peter more present here in Egypt than anywhere else. May be because of the intense time that we all spend here and the way in which he lead our work.

Ghada knows about the situation and she was trying to get your email address last week. Now she is in London, on some holidays with her family, and she also has to go to Paris these days because her sister is going to be operated from breast cancer. I do not know when she will see her email, but I have sent to her an sms.
A big, big kiss from the distance that is only physical....

Żadne słowa............................Tyle nadziei, tyle nic!
Myślimy o Tobie!
Renia i Jacek

Dear Joanna
I am very sorry, it is not possible to believe that. It is very sad.
I will only remember him unique, beautiful, clever!
He was a teacher for me. And a challenge.
Please be strong, dear Joanna.
And cry everything out.
With great solidarity, respect and friendship

Dear Ms Grootings,
dear Joanna,
My deepest sympathy and sincere condolences for this undescribable loss. I assure you that Peter will always remain in our heart and memories as the best one we ever had at the Foundation. We started almost at the same time at the ETF and although I never had the opportunity to work with him in a
project, I always highly appreciated him and moreover, his thoughts, work and publications have guided us in the last years.
My wife Marketa and I were praying for Peter in these days and we are with you in this difficult time.

cóż mogę powiedzieć..... Jestem z Tobą. Choć jesteś daleko, ja cały czas jestem przy Tobie myślami. Bardzo Ci współczuję. Pamiętaj, że masz do kogo wracać, bo my Cię kochamy.
E. R.

I am so sorry.
I never met Peter in person, but I heard so many stories and anedoctes about his wonderful contribution to the ETF and its people that I feel as sad as my colleagues.
Please count on the support of me and my team for anything you may need.
Alessia Vecchio
Head of Human Resources
European Training Foundation

Dear Joanna,
thanks for letting me know. I had the privilege of working with Peter at ETF, and have appreciated at first hand the Grootings touch - a unique mix of intellectual authority, professionalism and humanity which made him such a special colleague. We will all miss him very much.
Best wishes to you and family.
Peter Greenwood
European Training Foundation

Dear Joanna,
It is with a lot of sadness we learned that Peter had passed away. There were such good memories frow the time we worked together in Egypt, and, a few years ago, seing him in Torino. We will keep him in our mind and heart. We also want to tell you that we are with you.
Anna and Jean-Paul

Dear Joanna,
You do not know me, but I am one of the so many colleagues of Peter he had during his life. I am really very sorry of your loose. He was really a very nice colleague, respected by all. He always had a good word for everybody. We will miss him!!!
I will not be able to say goodbye to him personally, but I will think of him and especially of his family where for sure he left a big empty space which nobody will be able to fill.
All the best to you and the whole family,
Reginhild Giunipero
ETF Communication Unit

Bardzo Ci współczuję.
Choć śmierć należy do życia,
nieuchronności jest esencją - zawsze - bólem jest samym
choć dla umierających jedynym od bólu wybawieniem.
Agnieszka i Bonia

Dear Joanna,
I am really sorry for this very sad news. I know you are in contact with my colleague Karelle and we'll do our utmost to support you as best as we can.
Please accept my condolences.
Kind regards,

wspolczuje, Mama, Dorotka, Sebcia,
wszyscy Ci gleboko wspolczujemy..

Dear Joanna,
Peter has been for us one of the dearest, most competent and hardest working colleagues. For me personally, he has been a person whom I admired for his in-depth knowledge of the countries with which we were working, his professionalism, enthusiasm and great academic achievement. I learned so much from him, working as an apprentice alongside an experienced master!
Although we knew in which sad health state Peter was, your message touched me very much and still now I can hardly concentrate on my work. It goes too deep to my heart.
Dear Joana, I can't be at Peter's funeral but, please, be assured that we are all with you in these very difficult moments.
Very best wishes
Evelyn Viertel

Dear, dear Joanna
Just started 10 times the message to Peter and throw it away... Did not found the words to comfort him without been empty. Just remembered these words. They express much more what I wanted to say: I will remember him always and still feel his friendship. Because of that, he continues in my life...
Thank you Joanna for your support

Dear Joanna,
Peter was my life teacher, guru, friend.
I will carry on his legacy and never forget him.
Jaroslav Kalous.

ze smutkiem przyjąłem wiadomość o śmierci Petera.
Łączę się z Tobą w smutku i bólu.
Przyjmij ode mnie szczere kondolencje.
Andrzej Cieślak.

Dear Joanna,
I am very sorry to read that sad news. Please accept my sincerest condolences.
If there is anything we can do, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Best regards,

So sorry to hear of your loss. Though I never met Peter I know he was s huge Van fan and a great supporter of the cause. I do hope the pain will ease for you.
All the best,

Dear Mrs. Grootings,
I am so sad to learn that Peter succumbed to the illness, which, I am sure, he battled until the last breath. I knew him as a remarkable expert who was highly regarded in all countries of the South-East Europe. I hope you are surrounded with your friends and family that can comfort you during this time of grief.
Please accept my deepest condolences.
Dukagjin Pupovci
Executive Director
Kosova Education Center (KEC)

Dear joanna,
I am not sure if and when you will read this email.
I am on my way Moldova and will not be able to be with you in presence but I am sending a big and warm hug feom here. You do not know how often I have thought about us in Jordan; our dinners sitting on the floor in those funny jilabas, looking all terribly silly but happy.
You know how much Peter was loved and respected in ETF both by his intellectual capacity but mainly and mostly by just the way he was. So true, so honest, so warm and deeply human and so handsome. Yes, you have been a lucky woman and he has been equally happy to have you next to him.
My heart and mind are with you, Peters daughters and with peter.
A big, big kiss and hug
(If you need a change of air, we will be waiting for you in Italy)
Un abrazo

Droga Joanna,
Even with a certain period of 'preparation' it is still hard to believe
that Peter isn't there anymore. With his devotion and sometimes obsession to VET he managed to be always a few years ahead of others in his thinking and when the rest was catching up with those ideas he already had lost his enthusiasm to new identified areas.
We have shared our passion for Poland for quite some years and I remember Jerzy and my visit to the wonderful Kampinos, a known place for creative inspirations. Many of those inspirations will continue to live in me and many of the colleagues.
I wish you and the rest of the family all the necessary strength to cope with this incredible loss.

Kochana Joasiu,
składam Tobie najszczersze wyrazy współczucia z powodu odejścia Petera.
Miałam cichą nadzieję, że będę miała przyjemność poznać Petera, ale niestety...Wierzę, że spotkamy się w innym wymiarze, przyjemniejszym, tak myślę:-)
Przepraszam że tak późno piszę, lecz burza, która przeszla przez Polskę, rozbroiła nam komputer. Dopiero rano podłączyłam nowy modem i przeczytałam tą smutną wiadomość...
Joasiu, nie martw się o przyszłość. Nigdy nie będziesz sama, ponieważ w naszej zwariowanej rodzinie jest dla Ciebie przygotowane na stałe miejsce! Mariusz Ciebie uwielbia, jesteś dla Niego niesamowitym autorytetem i jest szczęśliwy, że ponownie będziecie razem pracować. Te ostatnie parę lat nauczyło Jego pokory i zrozumiał, że robota rzecz święta:-)
Poza tym trzeba otwierać biznes, żeby nie zawieść Petera. Żeby był z nas zadowolony i dumny. Jesli tak bedzie, to On już tam z góry dopilnuje, żebyśmy mieli klientów:-)
Logo bardzo nam sie podoba, a nazwa jest wręcz idealna dla Restauracji. Satyr jako pochwała dla wina i przyjemności, super!
Tak więc Joasiu otworzysz nowy rozdział swego przeznaczenia, z Kawusami w tle, i życzmy sobie wzajemnie aby był jednym z lepszych w Naszym życiu.
Całuję Cię bardzo mocno i ściskam!

Please except my deepest condolences and sense of loss for a man I came to know and appreciate as a worthy and respectable collaborator and expert. A good man.
Zoran Velkovski, Skopje Macedonia

Kochana Asiu,
Jest nam niezmiernie smutno i przykro. Pamietam Petera, kiedy odwiedziliscie mnie i Macka wiele lat temu jeszcze na Staffa. Pamiętam nasza wspolna Wigilie u Was - z Twoja Babcia, Mama, moimi Rodzicami, Maja i Zuzia w Korfowem, w 2003. I jak wtedy podobalo mi się, ze razem z Peterem podawaliście rybe do stolu. Pamiętam, jak pierwszy raz napisałaś, ze Peter jest chory; jak trudno było w to uwierzyc i jak wielka była nadzieja, ze będzie zdrowy.
Jest nam bardzo, bardzo smutno.
Przytulam Cie bardzo mocno.
Iwona z Rodzicami, Maja i Zuzia

Dearest Mrs Grootings,
It is hard to believe that you husband, our friend, Mr Peter Grootings, has passed away!
We will not forget him …
You and your family and friends have our heartfelt sympathy
With warmest regards,
Dr. Peter Ebertz
Bernd Haag
Cornelia Haacke
Dr. Karla Hahn
Irene Kurz
Karin Oster
Ellen Pfeiffer
Ingrid Töpfer
Manfred Schneider
BBJ Consult AG and BBJ Corvus GmBH, Herzbergstr. 83, 10365 Berlin

Dear Joanna
I was really very sad to receive this email (sorry, I only saw it this morning) and to hear of your loss. Peter was a lovely man, and it's just very sad. Having had my own struggles with cancers afflicting partner, brother, and parents over the last years I can just begin to appreciate (a little) what a struggle it must have been for you and for Peter over the last few years, and how hard it must have been for everyone in the family.
I know that he will be remembered very fondly by everyone. I can add my own small tribute - although I didn't know him that well, he was there at the Vienna Centre when I started, and as well as being a good man, he never failed to make me feel welcome or to help. I have a few treasured and priceless memories of his, and yours, of course, hospitality, from that time. Academically, he was a star, particularly in that very complicated environment - I know that from all the people that had the good fortune to work with him as a colleague and over the intervening years, I have heard many spontaneous tributes to his qualities from academics all over Europe.
It's a very sad and unfair loss - my feelings and thoughts go out to you all, and I will be thinking of him and you on Wednesday.

Kochana Joasiu,
nie wiesz jak bardzo zmartwiła mnie Twoja tragiczna informacja o śmierci Petera. Pokonała Go ta straszna, nieuleczalna choroba, z którą tak dzielnie walczył do końca. Dziękuję Ci, że w tak ciężkiej dla Ciebie chwili pamiętałaś o mnie, żeby powiadomić o tym bolesnym zdarzeniu. Pan Bóg zabrał Petera do szczęśliwszego świata nie bacząc na moje modlitwy, żeby Was nie rozdzielał tak szybko i dał mu jeszcze pobyć na tej Ziemi i w Korfowym.. Dobrze, że do końca byliście razem, bo jemu było łatwiej przejść na drugą stronę. Przepraszam, że nie mogę przyjechać do Amersfoort uczestniczyć w ostsnim pożegnaniu Petera, ale będę duszą razem z Tobą i z całą Jego Rodziną .
Joasiu, teraz Ty musisz być silna, jak silną i dzielną byłaś do tej pory.
Jestem z Tobą w bólu po Peterze. Brak mi słów pocieszenia, bo jak wyrazić taką stratę. "Śpieszmy się kochać ludzi, bo tak szybko odchodzą."

Dear Joanna,
I express my deep sorrow and regret to you. Peter is a real character and personality. He will always stay alive in my memory. I am proud that once met him and had an opportunity to work together in a team.
Galina Borisova,

Dear Joanna,
Unfortunately there are no words to express the deep deep sorrow that the loss of Peter has brought in our hearts.
I was very much thinking about him and about you going through this long long battle since when Peter left the ETF. I also dreamt about him many times that he was back in health and happy, this was my biggest wish for him and for you. Some months ago I was reading a note that Peter gave me as a thank to the lifts I was giving him up and down the ETF when we were neighbours and he had temporarily no car. He even gave me a picture drawn by a Polish friend of yours that is now in our house. Each time I look at the picture I remember those times and I remember Peter.
I met you Joanna only once at your place in via galliari, do you remember? That was a happy evening that I enjoyed very much.
Peter and I worked a lot together and I have to say that he was the one from whom I learned more. He was a good colleague, a friend and in some cases a father, always with helping and encouraging words. I was thinking a lot, lately, about some of our conversations and I know I will never forget him and his clever thinking.
I am trying to organise my travel to the ceremony on Wednesday and I hope I will be able to express personally my condolences.
As I said it is difficult to find the words. I hope that you will be able to go through this moment of tragedy and that the strength of Peter will help you.
With my kindest regards

Dear Mrs. Grootings,
let me convey you the deepest condolescences on behalf of all of us and myself dealing in the field of VET. Your husband was with us from the bery beginning of our reform activities, sharing with us his great knowledge and experience in the field. Even this February and March, when he was under heavy treatments, he supported us by e-mails in developing a TEMPUS project.
Gabriela Bratic
Ministry of Education of the Republic of Serbia
VET Reform Programme - CARDS

Dear Joanna,
I'm writing you from Mali, where I am on a mission.
You do not know me, but Peter may have told you that we found each other back through Email, almost 45 years after I left the schoolbank in which he was my neighbour. That was great! I even referred to him twice a few days ago, as an old friend who lives now in Poland and who I may visit one day.
His death is an immense shock to me. Probably I simply did not realise enough that Peter's optimism in his last E-mails was not necessarily the whole truth about his physical condition. So I really looked forward to meeting him again after all these years.
I suppose that you, having been so much closer to him, must have had a much more realistic view on his prospects? At least, I hope that you have been able to prepare yourself and also the two of you, on the impending farewell. And that therefore you're now better capable of accepting his loss. I also hope that Peter has not suffered much at the end of his life and that you still had good moments together.
I wish you all the strength you need to get to terms with the whole period of his illness and of his having gone now.
Personnaly, I believe that all those who were dear to us and who have died, are still with us, somehow. Hoping that tis is also some comfort for you,
Warm regards and a hug (even if we do not know eachother),
Frank Terwindt

Dear Joanna,
Please accept my deepest condolences and sympathies for the loss of Peter.
Although you will feel it the most, it is a loss that many will share with you. Peter was widely admired for his intelligence, his wit, his commitment and hard work. He had the ability to cut through complex issues to identify what was important and the courage and conviction to argue for what he believed was right. He will long be fondly remembered by those who had the privilege to work with him.
Although we knew he was ill for some time, his loss still comes as a shock. He will be sadly missed.
Our thoughts are with you and your family at this difficult time.
Steve Bainbridge

Dear Joanna
Although I imagine you must be very overwhelmed these days, I took the initiative to forward to your attention this short email that reflects the solidarity and sadness of some colleagues from Georgia. Peter has such a great effect on people.
I hope you are well.

My condolences, Joanna.
Sören Nielsen
Operations Department
European Training Foundation

I have known Peter for about 16 years as a colleague and gradually as a friend. Since he moved to ETF we had a chance to colaborate more closely.
Peter has always been a source of inspiration and a source of dynamism for me. I always enjoyed collaborating with him. His clear mind, his rich experience and his warm personnality made him quite exceptionnal.
I'll remember him as one of the colleagues who enriched me as a professional but aslo as a person.
Please accept all my sympathy and my deepest condoleances,
David Atchoarena

Dear Mrs Grootings,
Although in the light of his illness not unexpected, the news on the death of Peter came as a shock. He was a (distant) friend and we shared the passion of education and the joy of our families. His death is a loss of so much for so many! My condolences and I hope that you can find the strength to cope with this loss.
I will try to be present in Zeist Wednesday and pay tribute to this remarkable modest but yet so influential man! If there is an opportunity to contribute to the ceremony in the form of a few words in remembrance, I will be most honored to do so.
Olaf McDaniel

Przyjmij wyrazy współczucia ode mnie i mojej rodziny.
Zbigniew Sobkiewicz

Dear dear Joanna,
What a great loss!!! Our deepest regards for you and your loved ones at this difficult time.
I so much hope that you had the chance to be with each other, talk to each other and feel each other to the bitter end.
You wrote us that it has been a tough year, and I only hope that the memory of Peter and you enjoying good times prevails.
Woman, I wish you all the strength you will need to face the near future.
We think about you!!!
Gemma & Toon

Dear Joanna,
I am so sorry to receive sad news from you again. The tribute is very moving, as is the portrait. I do hope that your own health is not too neglected due to the trauma.
Thinking of you, with much sympathy,

Kochana Joanno, dzisiaj otrzymalam Twoja smutna wiadomosc.Wspolczujemy Ci ogromnie, wiele o Tobie ostatnio myslalam i spodziewalam sie takiej wiadomosci - ale jednak to szok i żal, ze mimo Waszej walki choroba sie nie dala opanowac.
Dookola wiele osob choruje,co chwilka od kogos informacje o tym- nie wiem czy to taki na nas juz wiek nadszedl czy swiat traci rownowage i to sa tego skutki.
Bardzo chcialabym Cie zobaczyc i pogadac. Daj znac, kiedy bedziesz miala troche czasu a przyjade. Gdybys potrzebowala w czymkolwiek pomocy jestesmy do twojej dyspozycji. Teraz jestem z siostra w Krakowie, ale od 15 lipca siedze z dziecmi Dorotki w Łącku, czyli moge sie wybrac w Twoja strone.
Trzymaj sie dzielnie Joanno tak, jak dotychczas.... sciskamy Cie i calujemy serdecznie, kochamy Cie- Maja i Michał

Dear Joanna and family,
Back only this morning to my office I have known about Peter's long trip for somewhere else. I'd like to offer you and all relatives my deep condolences. The recent message from Peter was so bearer of energy that I still don't take conscious of this sad reality. He will stay very close to me and he will give me more strength in my daily life, believe me, and he will accompany me when singing my songs. Dear Joanna, please count on me would you need any kind of support I could bring you now and later.
Peter invented the expression "training matters". Today it's time to tell him that "love and memory matters" too.
With profound sorrow
érard Mayen
Country Manager for Jordan
Operations Department
European Training Foundation

Dear Joanna,
I feel very sad and sorry for Peter, you and your family.
Peter was a rare example of vitality and optimism.
I will miss him here in the ETF.
Sincere condolences
Milena Corradini
Operations Department
European Training Foundation

Sehr geehrte Frau Joanna ,
ich überbringe Ihnen mein herzliches Beileid. Mit großer Trauer habe ich die traurige Nachricht empfangen.
Mit Peter waren wir nicht nur erfolgreiche Arbeitskollegen, er war auch mein guter Freund. Ihren Mann werde ich als guten Lehrer und großen Europäer ewig in Erinnerung behalten.
in Trauer

Dear Mrs Grootings,
We are very sad to learn of the passing away of your husband Mr Peter Grootings.
On behalf of the Ministry of Education and Sport of Slovenia, we would like to express our sincere condolences.
We will always retain very fond memories of his collaboration and commitment to our common work and projects which decisively marked the process of creating our national policies and strategies in the field of Vocational education and training. But most of all we appreciated his personal engagement and devotion to ideas and work in which he trully believed.
In our memory he will remain as a remarquable person, remarquable expert and a genuine European.
Yours faithfully
Dr. Igor Lukšič

Joasiu. Łączymy się z Tobą w smutku po odejściu Petera.
Aisha, Alina, Andrzej.

Dear Joanna,
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I was lucky enough to work with Peter in various countries some years ago, and I always enjoyed his good company as well as his excellent professional knowledge and insight. All his colleagues in international development work will miss him very much.
What I remember most vividly about Peter are his energy, his belief in his work, and his friendly interest in other people. He had a great zest for life, and he did a great deal of good for young people in difficult times.
I lost my own dear husband at about the same age as Peter (my David was 57). In many ways he had the same enormous energy for work and the same cheerful good humour. I have some idea what losing Peter is like for you, but I am also aware that nothing anyone can say will make things easier.
Keep strong.
With best wishes,

Dear Joanna,
it is very likely that you don't remember me, I worked at ETF in 2002-2003. I want to express my deep sorrow for Peter's passing, and offer to you my sympathy in these very difficult moments for you and your family. Peter had an impact on many people in many different countries through his work and his passion. We are all very sad for his untimely passing.
Yours sincerely
Guillermo Hakim

Dear Joanna,
We never met in person, but I have been working with Peter at ETF for almost 6 years, until I left the agency in 2005. I am now working at another EU Agency, the EASA in Cologne. It is with deep sorrow that I learnt of the departure of Peter. I will always remember him.
All my feelings are with you.
Andrea Lorenzet

Wyrazy współczucia z powodu śmierci Petera, cóż można powiedzieć?.
Trzymaj się Joasiu.

Es tut uns unendlich leid.
Wir sind sprachlos und traurig .
Wir behalten Peter in unsere Erinnerungen.
Liebe Grüße Detlef und Ewa


Dear Joanna
Its a long time since you came with Peter to Paris and even longer since we first met in Berlin at the end of the 80s and then I stayed with you at the house you and Peter built just outside Warsaw (1991)
They remain happy memories. I join you in mourning.
Perhaps one day when you are passing through Paris there may be a future crossroads
Stay brave (its possible) My wife died of cancer a year or two before we met.
Yours ever David

Dear Joanna,
Please accept my sincere condolances. Whereas you and I have never met, I do hope that this may contribute to your consolation.
I've met Peter at several occasions as a remarkable colleague, full of energy, determination and creativity. He will be greatly missed also on a personal level.
I wish you and yours all the strength to redirect yourself after this loss.
With kind regards,
Hans Hoekzema

We have been all deeply touched by the premature departure of a person we had the pleasure, and the honour, to know and with whom we have always team up with enthusiasm.
Goodbye Peter !
Claudio Gilli - direttore
Consorzio Villa Gualino S.c. a r.l.

Hi Joanna,
Today was a sad and beautiful farewell. I'm grateful for the short time I got to know Peter, your husband, Jannekes dad and oma's son.
My thoughts are with you!
Love Daniel

Dear Joanna.
Thank you very much for your message informing me about the untimely death of your dear husband, and my dear friend and colleague, Peter Grootings.
I have known Peter for the past ten years. We worked together on many projects which involved partnerships between the European Training Foundation, and the UNESCO International Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training, in Bonn Germany. In addition to organizing and attending various meetings together, Peter made a very important contribution to the work of UNESC-UNEVOC, particularly through his contribution to our publications programme as a knowledgeable and pro-active Section Editor for our six volume 'International Handbook on Education for the Changing World of Work'. The handbook will be published any day now and so please confirm the address to which UNEVOC's Head of Publications, Ms Alix Wurdak, can send the complimentary copy which is intended as a recognition of Peter's valuable contribution to this project.
Peter was indeed a very special person: first and foremost he was so warm and generous with his time, and also with regard to his considerable intelligence, and his hard working, knowledgeable and authorative contribution to the field of TVET. But most of all we will remember him for his caring, human-centred nature, and for his sparkling personality. From the first time I met him some years ago I liked and respected him very much indeed, and found him to be an excellent long-distance colleague with whom to work.
I write to you as the former Director of UNESCO-UNEVOC in Bonn until the end of March this year, but now working in Hong Kong.
UNEVOC were very pleased and honoured that Peter agreed to become a UNESCO Research Fellow, which was one of my last programme related decisions before I left UNEVOC at the end of March this year. I know from the email messages Peter sent to me at the time that he was very pleased to have been invited.
With warm regards and I take care.
Professor Rupert Maclean
Chair Professor of International Education
The Hong Kong Institute of Education

Dear Joanna,
From Manfred Diehl in Egypt.

Dear Joanna,
From Ali Sayed, in Egypt, do you remember him?

Dear Joanna,
allow me to express my most sincere condolence.
This hard news reached me today and hurt deeply. I knew Peter from the early nineties; we were working a lot together, and more - we became very good friends. I miss him and I will keep him in my best remembrance.
Pavel Zgaga
University of Ljubljana

With great sorrow I heard of the tragic news. Peter was a great and knowledgeable colleague and friend.
Munther Masri

Very tragic news.
Peter will remain in our memory as a good fiend and a very knowleageable person.
Cezar Birzea

Dear Mrs. Grootings,
I am writing to extend my deepest sympathies to you and your family. I was so very sad to hear about Peter, he was such a wonderful man.
I had the honor and the pleasure to know your husband for many years as a colleague and researcher. We last met less than a year and a half ago in Moscow and then in the ETF in Turin. Nothing suggested that these were our last meetings. Peter was always brimming with new ideas and inspired others to try them out.
I am very sorry to hear about his passing away. I had the greatest respect for Peter and will miss working with him, his generous nature and the new ideas he was always generating.
Please accept my most sincere and profound condolences.
Olga Oleynikova,
Centre for VET Studies, Moscow

Dear Joanna,
Marie-Philippe and I were so sand to hear about Peter whom we have known since I began working at the OECD. Aside from being one of those rare understanding people who really care about others, he was among the best experts in his field. Our relationship over time went from professional camaraderie to one of friendship. I am also sorry that I was not able to attend the service on Wednesday being out of Europe at the time.
We will certainly keep both you and Peter in our thoughts and prayers. Please accept our sincerest sympathy.
Ian and Marie-Philippe Whitman

Droga Pani Joasiu,
Najserdeczniejsze wyrazy współczucia.Nikt Panie nie zrozumie lepiej.Znam ten ból.Nie chce rozdrapywać Pani ran, ani pocieszać...

Teresa Szydłowska

Dear Mrs. Joanna Grootings,
My name is Farid - a friend of Peter from Tajikistan.
I was deeply saddened to hear that our beloved friend Peter has passed away. Please accept my deepest condolences. I pray and hope that God will give you and your family courage, strength, and support to bear this irreparable loss. May his spiritual life continues in peace.
Peter was an extraordinary human, expert, and a friend, and I will always remember him as he was. I've learned many new things from him during his mission in Tajikistan. He was one of the revolutionaries of the vocational education reform in Tajikistan and we'll never forget his works.
with prayers,

Droga Joanno,
Człowiek nieustannie chciałby zaklinać rzeczywistość, wierząc, że
to najgorsze nigdy nie nastąpi, a przecież jest to tylko kwestią czy wcześniej
czy później. Żeby później, to trzeba by było mieć zdrowie Twojej śp. Babci,
może też trochę Jej filozofii życia.
Jeśli zdrowie przestaje dopisywać a pojawia się dotkliwe cierpienie i
ciągła z nim walka i niepewność, może strach - to jak długo w tym stanie
można trwać?. My tego nie wiemy, bośmy nie doświadczyli, ale wiemy,
że jest w tym jakaś okrutna logika, przeciwko której człowiek ciągle się
buntuje, bo przecież umierają młodsi, umierają dzieci - a my powiemy, że
58 lat to nie pora, to nie wiek, żeby odchodzić, bo tyle jeszcze można dokonać,
tyle poznać, więcej kochać.
Dlatego odczuwamy żal, głęboki żal - my którzy jeszcze zostaliśmy, by
mieć czas zastanowić się czy dostatecznie kochaliśmy, przywołując za
X.Twardowskim - "śpieszmy się kochać ludzi bo tak prędko odchodzą".

Z wyrazami głębokiego współczucia

Oleńka i Andrzej
Tułowice, 12 lipca 2009

I have no words. I knew that Peter was just a little younger than me but I always thought of him as older and wiser. I respected his judgement. I have often thought about him these last two years. I too will miss him.
Look after your memories
Mike x

.......jest mi bardzo, bardzo przykro....
Monika Rutkowska

Najszczersze wyrazy współczucia z powodu śmierci męża.
Życzymy Ci Asiu dużo sił potrzebnych do walki z bólem po stracie bliskiej osoby.
Jeśli możemy tylko w czymś pomóc, to jesteśmy do dyspozycji.
Bożena i Mirek Śliwińscy
z młodymi

Witaj Asiu,
otrzymaliśmy Twoją smutną wiadomość...
Przyjmij proszę nasze najszczersze wyrazy współczucia

Dear Joanna Grootings:
I am deeply affected by Peter's death. We worked together on various projects and I always appreciated his expertise, calm and malicious smile (when he would not believe in the turn of the conversation...).
We spent various weeks together in Prague for the assessment of the Czech education system for OECD and I had number of very friendly exchanges with him beyond the usual technical stuff. My colleagues of the European Institute of Education, David Parkes and Jean Gordon, were unanimous in their appreciation of him as a solid specialist in VET, among the very best ones in Europe, capable of expressing the "global view" of issues and problems, and also as a wonderful companion on missions away from home.
I express my deepest regards to you.
Jean-Piere Jallade
Former Director of EIESP

Peter was een vriend van mij toen wij op de lagere school zaten. Het is meer dan 30 jaar geleden dat ik kontakt met hem heb gehad. De schok van zijn overlijden is er niet minder om. Ik wens jouw en al zijn dierbaren ontzettend veel sterkte.
Met een warme groet,
Frans Bijlhout

Dear Joanna,
Please accept my deep felt sympathies. I am shocked to learn about this. Peter was a such a friendly person, great thinker and committed worker . I enjoyed reading his books and articles.
May you and your relatives have the strength to bear this terrible loss.
Ms Madhu Singh Ph.D
Coordinator of Lifelong Learning Cluster
Senior Programme Specialist
UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning

Jest mi bardzo przykro.
Wiem ze przeżywasz bardzo ciężkie chwile.
sciskam cie mocno

Witaj Asiu,
otrzymaliśmy Twoją smutną wiadomość...
Przyjmij proszę nasze najszczersze wyrazy współczucia

Accept my deep condolences, I very much and very much regret. Peter was the big soul and heart the person. I a little knew him, but he remained in my heart as very kind and happy person.
I from Kyrgyzstan and at us say that loss of the loved one it when dies away an asterisk in your world. Be strong and strong, and believe that he always near to you (in heart). And all his friends, and I including, will be glad to help you a difficult minute.
With deep respect for you, Farida

Madame Joanna,
my deepest condoleances in this sad moment.
Mario Ronconi

Please accept my condolences.
Truly yours,
Kyrylo Tkachenko (Kyiv, Ukraine)

Dear Joanna,
The sad news reached me only now. Please accept my sincere sympathy with Peter's departure. I loved to work with him and I will always miss him.
Kind regards,
Vaclav Klenha

Dear Joanna,
I have been informed of the very sad news. Please accept my condolences.
Regards, Karelle

Peter was een vriend van mij toen wij op de lagere school zaten. Het is meer dan 30 jaar geleden dat ik kontakt met hem hebgehad. De schok van zijn overlijden is er niet minder om. Ik wens jouw en al zijn dierbaren ontzettend veel sterkte.
Met een warme groet,
Frans Bijlhout

Dear Joanna,
It goes without saying how shocked I was to learn of Peter's death...
Peter was an important colleague and friend
to so many of us and even though he travelled frequently for work and
was often away from the office, his 'presence' was always strongly
felt and even throughout his illness he was never forgotten. I will
always personally remember the many pleasasnt conversations I had with
Peter where we often discussed work and life in general and where his
comments and advice were highly appreciated. I am proud to have known
Peter and he will always have a place in my heart.

Please accept my sincerest condolences extended to all of Peter's
family......but to you in particular 'un affettuoso abbraccio' in this
sad moment.

Dear Joanna,
I was very sad to hear, during my vacation in France, that Peter had passed way. Although not unexpected it was a big shock to me. I wish you lots of strength and good remembrances.
I will always remember Peter as one of my dear youth time friends. I met Peter and Jerry when they joined the Onze Lieve Vrouw van Lourdes School (Dear Lady of Lourdes School) at the age of ten. The first years Jerry was my big friend, but in time the friendship shifted slowly to Peter. He introduced me to all kinds of music I had never heard of and learned me a lot in discussions. I always admired his cleverness and his warmth.
Again, I wish you strength and I do hope you will find comfort in your remembrances of Peter and with people dear and near to you.
drs. Paul van Tongeren
woordvoerder CvB Universiteit Twente
spokesman for the Executive Board

Thank you for sharing the life of my friend and husband. He was a very lucky man!
Thank you for your great support. It will never be forgotten
Joanna Grootings
Korfowe, July 2009